XesGalicia activates 'Transformation Line', a new financing program for the reactivation of businesses in Covid19

Tuesday, April 20, 2021 - 18:30
  • XesGalicia launches a new financial program, 'Transformation Line', endowed with €30 million, to provide financial support and contribute to the reactivation of businesses in the current economic context marked by Covid-19.

XesGalicia has launched a new financial program called Transformation Line, endowed with €30 million, to bring financial support and thus contribute to the modernization and revival of enterprises within the current economic context marked by the covid-19.

Specifically, the Transformation Line will focus on promoting internationalization projects and strengthening competitiveness through digitalization and innovation, product and process improvement, technological development, professionalization of management teams and corporate restructuring. The formalized operations, the amount of which will range between €1 and €5 million, may be in the form of capital or equity loans. The beneficiary companies will have to draw up a strategic plan setting out their aspirations and including both specific measures and a timetable for implementation.

This initiative is part of the recommendations made by the Committee of economic experts that has been advising the Xunta de Galicia since the beginning of the pandemic.

Transformation Line