Sodiga Galicia reaches 50 years of history, remaining a benchmark for the development and consolidation of the Galician economy and industry

Tuesday, November 15, 2022 - 12:00
  • Sodiga Galicia was founded on November 14, 1972, by the National Institute of Industry and several financial institutions.

Sodiga Galicia´s basic corporate mission is to support business and industrial iniciatives that promote the economic development of Galicia. This support is formalized through participations in the capital of the companies, although it can also be instrumented through loans. 

Originally, Sodiga was founded under the name of “Sociedad para el Desarrollo Industrial de Galicia”, on November 14th, 1972, by the National Institute of Industry -INI- (51%) and the Galician Cajas de Ahorro, Banco Pastor and Banco de Bilbao, although it began its activity in February 1973. In 1995 Xunta Galicia completed the acquisition of the capital previously owned by INI. 

Now, and after several capital increases over the last decades, the capital of Sodiga Galicia is owned by Xunta de Galicia at 76%, while the remaining capital is divided between Abanca, BBVA and Banco Santander. In this sense, Sodiga Galicia is part of the set of instruments available in Galicia to support business initiatives, such Instituto Gallego de Promoción Económica, the Agencia Gallega de Innovación or XesGalicia (the entity that has been managing the assets of Sodiga Galicia since 1999). 

In its first year of activity, 1973, Sodiga Galicia made 4 investments: Lácteas del Atlántico (dairy products), Proullasa (chemical), Refractarios de Sant-Yago (refractories) and Acuicultura del Atlántico (oyster farming). 

Throughout its 50 years of existence, Sodiga Galicia has participated in a multitude of projets and iniciatives in various productive sectors. Some of the most notable examples of activity, according to the sector of activity, correspond to the following: 

  • Industrie: Facet Ibérica Poligal, Matrigalsa, Tromosal, Gamelsa, Intasa, Losán, CZVeterinaria, Urovesa, Unvi, Castrosua, Dinak, Incipresa or Copo.
  • Agroindustrial and aquaculture: Galacteum, Frinova, Insuiña, Clesa or Quegalsa.
  • Naval: Rodman, Navigasa, Barreras or Vulcano.
  • Wine: Martín Códax, Condes de Albarei or Terras Gauda.
  • Natural stone: Graninter, Granitos Ibéricos or Irosa.
  • Energy: Engasa, Pemalsa o Allarluz.
  • Mutual Guarantee Companies: AFIGAL and SOGARPO.

To celebrate Sodiga Galicia 50th aniversary, a set of informative and commemorative activities will be initiated during the coming months, such as the diffusion of the activity reports of its first decades or the elaboration of a publication that shows, with a historical perspective, the activity and impact generated on the Galicia economy and industry.
